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Our offices

The Finanziaria Internazionale Group has its headquarters in Conegliano (Treviso) and several other branch offices on the national territory, as well as in Luxembourg.

In Conegliano, where it was set up over 30 years ago, Finanziaria Internazionale has its headquarters in Via Vittorio Alfieri in a building from the 1980s, also known as the "Glass palace" for its particular architecture.

Finint's innovative headquarters are a reference point for the entire area of Conegliano.

Its branch offices make up the operational and representative network of the Group, with offices specialised on various product lines.

Via Vittorio Alfieri, 1
31015 Conegliano (Treviso)
Milan office
Via Orefici, 2
20123 Milano (Milan)
Ufficio Trento
Via Rodolfo Belenzani, 39
38122 Trento (TN)
Ufficio Firenze
Via Giovanni del Pian dei Carpini, 41
50127 Firenze (FI)
Other Offices

Via del Macello, 30/C
39100 Bolzano (BZ)
Finint Investments SGR - Italy

Piazza Mincio, 2
00198 Roma
Banca Finint S.p.A. - Italy